First of all, merry Christmas to everyone! I would just like to share with you how most Filipinos celebrate Christmas. We usually go to church before the eve of Christmas or on the actual day and have noche buena. Some families would stay at home and gather with their relatives and loved ones while some would go to the park (or theme park), kids would visit their godmothers or godfathers for aguinaldo and some would go to the shopping malls or cinema to watch their favorite Metro Manila Film Festival entries which we (my mom and I) did just to deviate from the norm this time of year. I have the sweetest mom to have just asked me a simple present for Christmas - to watch My Bebe Love. I agreed right away because to those who really know me, I, myself is an ALDUB fan, a proud one.
Good thing that I came across the announcement on the internet that all SM cinemas will open at 8am nationwide so I immediately informed my mom. We had our noche buena earlier than usual so we could retire early last night for our movie date, the following day.
We arrived at SM Rosales at 7:30 am and while waiting for the entrance to open, we made some friends while in the waiting queue. We met Joy (thanks for the photos) and Ate Annie (who happens not to be in this photo). We made our time worthwhile by talking about our expectations on the movie. Every one was smiling and seemed to be channeling good vibes that made the atmosphere so light and fun!!!
We were lucky to be in the first screening because it was still convenient from purchasing the tickets to going out of the movie house. We sacrificed some hours of sleep to be early birds because this was the scene after the first screening...
The excited crowd was still manageable despite how thronged the entire floor. Everyone was anticipating to see Alden Richards and Maine Mendoza together in widescreen. It made us laugh through out the film but I won't spill the beans as I don't want to spoil it for the benefit of those who have not seen it yet.
It is really obvious here in the province that My Bebe Love really did well on its first day contrary to what is being claimed by others. It did well in Pampanga, Baguio City and of course in Manila. From what I have heard, it was the most viewed entry in Visayas and Mindanao regions, as well.
A lot of us have been trying to maintain our composure after seeing some information being circulated in the social media that there have been shenanigans going on in some cinemas. I can't believe this is really happening. An endless head shake to my disbelief. Goodness gracious. It is okay to be competitive but in rather in a healthy way. It should have been like that. Anyhoo, I will stop here.
Going back to Maine and Alden, they are undeniably loved by many, from all walks of life, from young to elderly. I am proud to be one of their supporters.
On the other hand, another thing that made me joyful is that I was able to fulfill my promise to my mom and see her priceless smile. We had a great time with my aunt, uncle and two of my cousins who arrived just after we finished viewing the movie. That moment that you were so jumpy and you actually forgot to take a group picture, that's exactly what happened to me. Good thing, I was able to secure a photo with my cousins (thanks Arra).
So there you go, that is how my Christmas day went. I am so blessed to have met new friends and my favorite people in my life again. I couldn't ask for more.
Ooops, again, if you are a new reader of my blog, I am so happy to announce that my blog giveaway is still on going. Join now and show some lovin' by letting me share my blessings with you. Once again, Merry Christmas.
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I can't thank you guys enough.
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